Author Archive

Resources on How to Name Your Company or Product

We’ve been working the last few months on a sister product to our ImpactWatch media monitoring tool and one of the real struggles has been coming up with a name and accompanying URL. Anyone who has tried to name something in the last five years knows that most good, short URLs are taken by legit companies or being poached by domain name brokers....

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More Japanese Than English Blog Posts

I knew blogging was big in Japan, but I’m still surprised by the language breakdown in David Sifry’s (of Technorati) latest State of the Blogosphere report. In March 2006, 37% of all blog posts were written in Japanese vs. 31% in English. This despite the fact that there are between two and three as many English as Japanese speakers,...

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Tracking the Reaction to IE 7

The latest Beta version of Internet 7 was released a few days ago and the reaction of the blogosphere has been mixed. Based on what I’ve read, my guess would be that the the reviews are probably 20% positive, 60% middling and 30% negative. You know what though, it doesn’t matter all that much....

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Internet Explorer 7 is a Step in the Right Direction

I just downloaded the beta version of Microsoft’s new version of Internet Explorer. Here are a couple of quick thoughts on it:

(1) This is a very RSS friendly browser, and will go a long way towards getting non-geeks to use the technology. IE 7 has a little RSS icon (shown on left) that is highlighted when you are browsing a site that has an RSS feed associated with it....

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Politicians Abuse Wikipedia, Again

So, it looks like we have example #1,211 of a politician (or more aptly, their staff) abusing Wikipedia for political gain. This time Morton Brilliant, the campaign manager for Georgia gubernatorial candidate Cathy Cox, edited the entry of opponent Mark Taylor to include a reference to Taylor’s son’s DUI arrest....

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