Author Archive

Boost Nonprofit Donations with Google’s Donate Button

If there was a fast, free way to increase visibility to your nonprofit’s donation page, would you do it?

Google has recently released a feature that connects Google users with a nonprofit’s donation page via the knowledge panel (the box that appears on the right-hand side of search results that tells you a business’s phone number or hours of operation)....

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If it Ain’t Broke, Still Fix it – Understanding the Value of User Feedback

Imagine you’re a highlighter manufacturer. You come into work, and see that everything is working perfectly: the shades are fluorescent, the ink does not smudge, and the marker does not dry out.

Then, your manager arrives and says, “let’s mix it up here, and add a clear window to the tip so users can see what they’re highlighting.” You might be alarmed....

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5 Drupal Websites That Will Elicit Envy

What makes a great website? Is it the copy writing? The layout? The interactive features? The copious amounts of cute animal pictures? Maybe it’s all of the above. And more.

No matter what it is that makes your website great, you can do it in Drupal.

Drupal is a popular open source content management system (CMS) much like WordPress....

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Collect ‘em all! The complete Brick Factory Fun Facts set

We like to think we are a fun group, and maybe a little strange, but hey we all have our quirks. We just made our quirks into fun cards for you.  We’ve been posting these fun facts on our Facebook page for the past few months, and now we have compiled them all in one place for you.  ...

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Ring Ring! Facebook is Calling… You to Action: 5 Great Posts by Nonprofits

Donate. Volunteer. Sign up. Get involved. Sign our petition.

It doesn’t matter what specific cause your nonprofit supports; you have bottom line objectives you are working to achieve. Whether you are fundraising or promoting a petition, social media is a useful tool to reach your audience....

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