
Tell Us How You Feel: Web Feedback and MoMA

Think back to the last time you went to a museum.

Did you walk away changed? Inspired? Disappointed? Maybe you felt the millennially-ingrained desire to express those feelings to your internet following a la Twitter or Facebook. These companies have acquired valuations in the billions due to their ability to capture user feedback and translate it into advertising dollars....

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Snakes on a Plane, uh… on Twitter!

Yesterday I had one of those hand-to-forehead moments.  “Why didn’t I think of that?!!!”

Over the weekend an Egyptian Cobra snake disappeared at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, and as a 21st Century snake it decided to tweet its adventures – see @BronxZoosCobra.  So far it has gone on the Sex and the City tour,...

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Turning Customers into Brand Advocates

Building a great company isn’t just about making great products. It is about working to make every interaction with a customer a positive experience. From  marketing emails to the in-store experience to websites to 1-800 numbers to Facebook, there are more ways than ever for customers to connect with companies....

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Is it a Good Idea to Advertise on LinkedIn?

Should your company advertise on LinkedIn?

The social network boasts a largely professional user base, and is functions vary gratefully from its distant cousin Facebook.However,

Much like Facebook – LinkedIn Direct Ads allow you to target specific demographics (age groups, gender, location). They also allow you to upload a company logo or otherwise relevant picture to accompany your ad....

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Viral Marketing: A Fine Line Between Funny and Terrible

Guerilla and social media marking campaigns all dream of going viral – a la Old Spice Man on a Horse – but some advertising really strikes out. Below is a look at two particularly bad unfortunate ad campaigns that resulted in more bad press than good. Let this be a lesson that for every Old Spice man on a horse,...

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