
Brightcove Launches Much Improved User Interface

Brightcove is a web video publishing platform aimed at professional publishers that, according to Techcrunch, streams several hundred million videos a month.  Its clients include large media brands like Showtime, Lifetime, HBO, the New York Times and AMC (you can watch Mad Men through their player on the AMC website). ...

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Steal This Idea: Creating your own mini-Digg

Getting an article on the front page of Digg often takes a lot more than just writing good (or viral) content.   Many of the stories that make it to the Digg front page do so as a result of a mini-PR campaign, with submitters actively recruiting diggs via back channels such Twitter,...

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The Twitter Disconnect

At the New Communications Forum conference I attended last week, Twitter was the topic of a great deal of discussion.  During panels and hallway chats, three things became really clear to me:

(1) There are a lot of smart people who have no idea what Twitter is, or who only know about it in the vaguest sense....

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The Awesome Flash Video Player

I have written a few times about the various options available for the hosting of videos online via third party services. If I have a choice in the matter, I use for all the reasons you’d expect: interface is easy to use, they allow the posting of video in higher quality than most providers,...

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Comcast and Twitter

Over the weekend, two of the users I follow on Twitter, David All and Techcrunch (Michael Arrington), had separate problems with Comcast and vented about them via their Twitter accounts. Comcast apparently monitors Twitter and proactively reached out to both of them.

Here is the relevant tweet from Techrunch:

And here is the tweet from David:

An article in the Consumerist confirms that other users have received responses after complaining via Twitter....

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