Author Archive

Not What the Ad Man Had in Mind.

Check out this ad for the new AT&T. It got placed above a story entitled “Telecoms let NSA spy on calls,” that reports on the agency using AT&T and other telcoms to help with domestic eavesdropping!...

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“Wisdom of Crowds” (cont’d.)

In a recent post, I breifly mention the notion of a smart crowd. I started to talk about this in the context of Web 2.0, the term coined in large part by Tim O’Reilly. He identifies a number of principles to help explain what this is. Omitting the more programming specific,...

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Brit Beats US with Google Maps

Came across this political campaign site that incorporates Google Maps. It’s for Ming Campbell’s campaign for the leader of the Liberal Democrats in the UK. This is the first one I’ve seen so far doing this. Pretty cool....

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“The Wisdom of Crowds”

This book by James Surowiecki shows how, under the right curcumstances, crowds can make better decisions than individuals, and individual experts. I want to spend the next few posts talking about his insights in the context of Web 2.0 and the media.

Talking about smart crowds, Surowiecki, means an assembly of people that meets four critieria: 1) it needs to be diverse,...

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Blogging for DVD Sales

I wanted to share with you the article from the San Francisco Chronicle about the DVD shop who’s been able to double its sales with a blog. You can find it here....

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