
WordPress vs. Drupal: Which Platform is Right for Your Organization?

Selecting a Content Management System (CMS) is one of the most critical decisions organizations can make about their web program. Mistakes can be costly, leading to wasted time and money. Whether it’s time to rebuild your existing website, or you’re starting something new from the ground up, you’ll be quick to discover (or be reminded) that the vast majority of the web is generally powered by only a handful of technology platforms....

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How To Back Up & Preserve Your Google Universal Analytics (UA) Data

Summary: This article outlines how to back up and retain historical Google Universal Analytics data, in light of the complete shutdown of the service on July 1, 2024.

Sunsetting of Google Universal Analytics

Google Analytics has enjoyed a long shelf life as the leader in website traffic monitoring....

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How We Built the New Brick Factory Website

We started working on a new Brick Factory website last Summer and made steady progress throughout the Fall and early 2024.  In late January it was clear that we were almost finished, so I joked that we should launch the website on Valentine’s Day as a gift for our Chief Creator Officer,...

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5 Reasons We Switched to WordPress Gutenberg

Gutenberg: Good Printing Press, Even Better WordPress Editor

If you work with WordPress websites, like we do, you know that Gutenberg is the new default Block Editor for WordPress, replacing the Classic Editor. And in our opinion, Gutenberg is quickly proving its worth as the GOAT of all page builder tools. ...

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Five simple ways to secure your WordPress site

Most of the websites we manage are built-in WordPress, which is the most popular Content Management System in the world. With the rise of cyberattacks over the last few years, we are frequently asked whether websites can be run securely and safely on WordPress.  

The short answer is yes....

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