During last Friday’s episode of the Fox sci-fi show Fringe titled “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide,” Walter, Peter, Broyles, and Bellivia were tripping on LSD. I almost thought that I was tripping when I saw “#Fringe” just above the logo of Fox 5 (WTTG – the DC affiliate) in the lower right hand side of the screen (different affiliate logo pictured below)....
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Common knowledge tells us the action to take when we’ve got a bone to pick; grab the phone and call your senator or congress person. Or, even older wisdom: write them a letter. These methods might have been sold to us wholesale as schoolchildren,...
Continue ReadingM+R Strategic Services and the Nonprofit Technology Network recently released its “2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study” covering a broad range of digital issues regarding NPOs. The study has a lot of great information that I intend to breakdown and analyze in a few manageable posts. Today, we’ll start with Email.
As many nonprofits know,...
Continue ReadingGot ideas for improving on the old the ‘series of tubes’ we call the Internet? If your idea meets the following criteria, students from Harvard and Stanford might actually implement it:
In case you somehow missed the flurry of Facebook wall postings, President Obama launched his re-election campaign today with a remarkably scaled down, almost Spartan website and a introductory video that is remarkably similar to another much hyped launch….for Windows7?
To be fair, in the email announcement the President writes “We’re doing this now because the politics we believe in does not start with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas…”
Mission accomplished?...
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