
Taking A Second Look at Arlington National Cemetery and Online Records

Every 10 year old in America knows where our nation’s heroes find their final resting place-the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Just outside of Washington, the National Cemetery contains the gravesites of some of our countries most revered and honors those who have served in our name.


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Tracking World Press Freedom Day 2011 #WPFD with Slurp140

In addition to the great resources available on the United Nations Education Scientific and Culture Organization’s (UNESCO) website for World Press Freedom Day, we humbly submit our own Twitter tracking and analysis tool Slurp140: Also be sure  to check out the livestream going on right now!

Reposted from out Impact Watch Blog...

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Your Weekend on Twitter with #Slurp140: #WHCD, #Tcamp11, #Sweetlife

Just a friendly heads up that since you can’t be everywhere this weekend we have created several new instances of our recently improved Slurp140 Twitter tracking and analysis tool to follow some major events this weekend:

White House Correspondents Dinner:

For the inside scoop on the #WHCD,...

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The best Facebook advertising you can’t buy

Before Jimmer, the “Mexican” restaurant Café Rio held (and still holds) a special place in the heart of many current and former Jello-O Belt residents, and for good reason since it beat Chipotle, In-N-Out Burger, Chick-fil-A, and Pei Wei for the best Quick Service Restaurant in 2011.  Today, the restaurant is opening a new location in Olney,...

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Social Media and the #Four26DC City Council Election

As Washington D.C. looks to further establish itself as a center for technological innovation, isn’t it fair to ask that our candidates and elected officials maintain a professional online presence? In reviewing the websites and social media accounts of candidates for the vacant at-large seat on the Washington D.C. City Council,...

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