Search For "docs"

Data-Based Decision Making: Thoughts from WordCamp Asia

I recently presented at WordCamp Asia – the regional conference for WordPress developers – and talked about how to gather and use data to make decisions as a small-to-medium sized web development agency. Over the years, we have made countless spreadsheets and custom apps to help us capture information about our clients,...

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Responsive Images in WordPress

There was once a time, not that long ago, where a website’s content was almost entirely text. Images existed, but were not nearly as prominent as they are in our post-Bootstrap world. In the time between these eras there have been major evolutions on how images can, and arguably should,...

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A Quick Guide to Migrating Drupal Content from D7 to D8

DrupalCon is always a great opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and some funny stories about our daily work.

What caught my attention last year was the reaction from fellow drupalers when I said I was using the Migration API to move content from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8....

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A Real-World Guide to Empowering Employees

People often ask me how I come up with topics for conference sessions. Honestly, my whole job is to figure out how to improve our company – to identify and work on areas where we struggle. And that’s what I talk about at conferences, because pretty much all the firms in our industry have the same pain points and the same areas where they need to improve....

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We Tried Facebook’s New Donation Tools. Here’s What We learned.

You’ve got a large, engaged Facebook following. They comment, they like, they share. But, for some reason, they’re not donating.

Frustrated? You’re not the only one.

Thankfully, about six months ago, Facebook rolled out several ways for its users to support their favorite nonprofits.


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