TAGS : communication

Finding Value in Google Buzz

I’m not an early adopter of the latest tool. I’ll happily  sit back and wait for the dust to settle before I consider using any new application.

It has been my experience that this is a good practice. Most of what hits the social web usually putters and falls into obscurity....

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The Content Bubble

So you’ve set up your Facebook Fan Page or Twitter profile and now you’re stuck wondering what to post.

They say content is king, and this holds true. You would be doing yourself a disservice by simply posting content without taking some time to think about the community you want to build. ...

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Demystifying the Social Medianess – Forget About Technology

When last we left, we talked about how the social web thrives on unselfish communication. I touched a bit on the role of technology, and today I’d like to expand upon some thoughts.

When you hear the words social media what’s the 1st thing that comes to your mind?...

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Demystifying the Social Medianess – Unselfish Communication

In my last post we talked about this thing called Social Medianess and the responsibility those of us in the digital landscape carry to help others understand how it works.

Today I’d like to dive into the essence of social media and clarify exactly what that is.

People equate technology with social media....

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