Washington Post website redesigned as a wiki?
A Japan-based design firm has redesigned the Post in the wiki style. Interesting. Reminds me of a stripped down version of the current New York Times website. <Via Martin Stabe>
Wikis, Indexes, Context, and the News
Amy Graham from the Poynter Institute writes about how wikis might be used by the news media: “They could play a valuable role not just in supplying engagement and context, but in helping communities and news pros collaborate to create a less fragmented view of what’s happening, what came before, what might come next, and how it all matters and interrelates.” <Via Cybersoc>
European papers optimistic on future — with web’s help
Europeans seem a bit more optimistic about the future of newspapers than their American counterparts. I’m still waiting for the day someone really smart buys a local U.S. paper and reinvents it online. <Via Techdirt>
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