One of the more significant trends in online politics and public affairs over the last few years has been the rise of Social Action Networks.
A Social Action Network is an online community that allows members to connect and organize around shared political passions. If visiting a social network like Facebook is like walking into a bar, visiting a Social Action Network is like walking into a campaign headquarters.
With prominent examples such as and our own, Social Action Networks are changing the way political and public affairs work is performed.
Social Action Networks (SANs):
These are just a few focus points on Social Action Networks. If you are thinking about starting one, be prepared to roll up your sleeves. It can be a lot of work, but it’s a terrific way to build awareness for your organization or movement.
In the upcoming weeks we’ll address what you should put on your to do list, talk about what to avoid, discuss ways to build your Social Action Network, and provide examples of successful case studies.
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