Looking for an easy way to tell whose up / whose down and what the current buzz is surrounding Mayor Fenty and Chairman Gray’s campaign for Democratic nomination to be Mayor of Washington D.C?

As part of a broader study we are working on examining the true impact of how politicians use Twitter, we are happy to launch this latest instance of Slurp140 for anyone looking to follow the campaigns online at:

As we have just started tracking tweets referencing “@grayformayor,” “Vince Gray”, “@fenty2010” “Adrian Fenty” and “#dcmayor” the numbers you see reflected in the total number of tweets and total people are reflective of all tweets since 12:00 pm. today.

SLURP 140  DC Mayor

In looking for Twitter accounts of campaign staffers, the only account that stands out is that of veteran campaign strategist @Mo Elleithee. We will keep looking, but if you know of other senior staffers with Twitter accounts let us know!

Quick facts at a glance:

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Note: We are not affiliated with either campaign or Washington D.C. Board of Elections. (Nor am I related to Chairman Gray 🙂