Author Archive

Friday Five: Holiday Travel Tips

Christmas is on Tuesday, and I'm flying across the country to see my family.  This evening I will be busy as millions of my closest friends and I decide to fly somewhere this weekend.  Here are five things I'm doing on-line to help me cope:

1. Check in for my flight


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Simple Question does Wonders for NPR Blog

On Tuesday of this week (December 18, 2007) NPR's new morning show The Bryant Park Project did a segment on the local perception of Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul, and his large and ardent Internet posse came up.  Like many others Bennett Roth of the Houston Chronicle guesses that Ron Paul supporters "are a little bit younger,...

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Mitchell Report Tag Cloud

Through my work on ImpactWatch, I spend a lot of time analyzing data. I’m also a pretty big sports fan. Unless you live under a rock, you probably heard that the Mitchell Report on steroids and baseball was released yesterday. Given that, I thought it would be interesting to use to create a tag cloud showing the words mentioned most often in the report....

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Is “is” no longer mandatory for Facebook?

Is it just me or has Facebook just dropped "is" from its standard status update formula? 

Until today a user was forced to mold their status updates to follow the format "Steve is [custom text]."  Of course, some people's updates didn't make sense with the "is" — whether this was intentional or just from the common lack of concern for grammar on the Internet. ...

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Google News Tweaks Algo

Loren Baker of the Search Engine Journal reports that Google News has tweaked it algorithm (hat tip: MediaPost).  The search engine hopes to its users more relevant results about breaking news stories.

One of the tweaks aims to better identify the news source that was first in reporting information about a story. ...

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