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What is Daylife?

Paid Content has a tiny bit of scoop on Daylife , a news startup that will "soft launch" this coming Monday. What Daylife is exactly is clear as mud. Here's the generic description Paid Content offers up:

"The mission is to gather and organize news in ways that are most relevant to the user....

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Republicans Outnumber Democrats Online

A recent study from Nielson//Netratings found that there are more Republicans than Democrats online. Of U.S. adults surveyed, 36.6 percent identified themselves as Republicans, 30.8 percent as Democrats and 17.3 percent as Independents.

This makes perfect sense given that other studies have shown that Republicans tend to earn more money than Democrats....

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Condé Nast Buys Reddit: One Small Step for Social News

Techrunch is reporting that magazine publisher Condé Nast has purchased the social news site Reddit. Condé Nast is the owner of a number of popular magazines suchs as Wired, Vogue, GQ, Glamour, Bon Appétit and the New Yorker.

I think this is a fascinating and smart acquisition by Condé Nast....

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There is Money to be Made in Niche Content

Those interested in the newspaper/media business will do well to read a story published in the New York Times yesterday about the Rivals sports network.

Rivals maintains a website for every large college in the country and has 1-4 reporters dedicated to covering each school’s athletic department in depth (many of the reporters are part timers who have other jobs)....

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RNC Gets Into the Text Messaging Business

Just got an email from the Republican National Committe (I'm on every political mailing list known to man) inviting me to join GOP Mobile, their brand spanking new text messaging network.  According to the email, the RNC intends to use the service over the next week to send out election-related breaking news and action alerts to people who sign up....

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