Author Archive

Discussion Roundup: Ways to Improve Newspaper Websites

There has been some good discussion around our post about how newspapers can improve their web presence. Below is a breakdown of additions to the list suggested (or inspired by) readers. Comments are mine unless otherwise indicated. I’ll update this post with new ideas I come across.

Original List


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9 Ways for Newspapers to Improve Their Websites

We took a long look at the features U.S. newspapers include on their websites a few weeks back. In doing the research, we spent more time than is healthy looking at these things. So we figured we’d use this new found expertise for good and offer the newspaper industry some unsolicited advice on how to improve their websites....

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Eight Things I’m Supposed to Love But Don’t

I didn't like Lost in Translation.  I was supposed to.  Other people I know did and it got great reviews and had fantastic buzz.  I wanted to like it.  But when I finally got around to seeing it I was just sort of bored. I just didn't get it.  So, inspired by Lost in Translation,...

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Things to Monitor Online

I'm a little late to this party, but last week Pronet Advertising put together a list of 10 Things You Should be Monitoring.  Jeremiah Owyang added numbers 11-17 and Joseph Jaffe added numbers 18-23.  Shel Holtz even set up a page of the New PR Wiki where people could collaboratively add to the list. ...

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Using Wikis for Newspaper Research

We've heard from a few bloggers that are conducting research into the features of newspaper websites in their own countries in response to our look at U.S. papers.  We should have a few new reports to highlight in the coming weeks.  Two of the bloggers are taking a collaborative approach to the research and have set up Wikis to facilitate things. ...

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