Author Archive

Happy Holidays

As a way to celebrate the season, we have created a special edition of our Brick Factory homepage featuring a holiday message for our friends and family.  As a small way to give back, we will donate $1 to the Wounded Warrior Project for every person that views the message on our homepage between now and December 31. ...

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Solving Our Dishwasher Problem

At the Brick Factory headquarters we have a shared dishwasher.  Being adults, we don’t really need a formal system for managing our dirty dishes.  People put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher and someone runs it when needed.

We have one problem.  After the dishwasher is run we count on the next person that goes into the kitchen to put the clean dishes into the cabinet. ...

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The Advantage of Time

As someone who has spent some time consulting for political campaigns,  I always find the post mortems that pop up fast and furious after election day predictable and simplistic.  The winner is a genius.  The loser is a moron.  Nuance is generally sacrificed at the alter of the greater narrative. ...

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Is the Homepage Slider Dead?

The homepage slider has been a design staple in the political and public affairs space for the last half decade, at least. 

For those not familiar with the concept, a slider is an area of a website that allows visitors to scroll through different options like they would a Powerpoint deck. ...

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Obama vs. Romney: Mobile Donation Page Showdown

With the rise of the mobile web making your website work on smartphones and tablets has gone from a “nice to have” to a “must have”.   While it is universal understood at this point to be important, best practices haven’t completely emerged yet as to how best to build for the mobile web. ...

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