Author Archive

Newspapers and Mobile Websites

A report released yesterday by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that 47% of Americans are getting some of their local news via a mobile device.  Pew also found that just 11% of Americans reported having an app installed to help them get local information or news. ...

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Another Awesome 404 Error Page

A 404 error page is that annoying page you get when you try to access a web page that has moved or been deleted.  A couple of months back I wrote a dorky blog post about how web developers should use  404 pages as branding opportunities instead of just throwing the page away and spitting out an error. ...

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Infographic Overload

I love a good infographic as much as the next guy.  I really do.  An infographic done right can make a point much more effectively than straight text.  See this example.  Or this one or this one.

But the last few months things have gotten out of hand. ...

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Yobongo and Viral Nature of Beta Invites

As part of the launch process, new tech startups typically run a closed beta testing phase where a limited group of users can kick the tires of their new site.   This period allows for startups to get discreet feedback from impartial users, while also testing how the product scales without launching to the whole world.  ...

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Facebook is NOT big in Japan

In the U.S. 60% of Internet users have Facebook accounts.  In Japan, only 2% of Internet users have Facebook accounts and services like Mixi, Gree and Mobage-town are 10 times as big.  According to a recent New York Times article, one of the primary reasons Facebook has failed to catch on in Japan is its insistence that people use real names when signing up for accounts. ...

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