Author Archive

Ning Selects The Bivings Group as a Certified Partner

Over the last few years we’ve built some pretty cool social networks on the Ning platform for clients such as the Pickens Plan and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.  Indeed, the Pickens Plan’s 200,000 strong social network, Push, has won a variety of awards and is recognized as one of the best examples of the use of social networking for issues advocacy. ...

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Is the iPad a Game Changer?

I like Apple, but I am not a fan boy that immediately buys everything they put out.  I waited a year before switching to the iPhone, and have only recently started using a Mac as my primary personal computer.  As someone who is relatively cautious in my purchases of new gadgets,...

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Tricking Your Customers with Interstitial Ads

Like them or not, interstitial ads, which are advertisements that appear before visitors arrive at the expected site content, have become a part of our day-to-day web browsing experience.  I personally don’t mind interstitial ads all that much, as I’ve gotten used to them and have gotten pretty good at locating the skip button as a way of quickly getting to the content I’m actually looking for....

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Best U.S. Think Tank Websites

As part of my research for a project we are working on, I recently looked at the websites of around one hundred U.S.-based think tanks to see what the best practices are.  All and all, this was an inspiring set of websites and not nearly as extraordinary as the list of best university sites I put together recently,...

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Gina Bianchini from Ning on Charlie Rose

Check out Ning CEO Gina Bianchini being interviewed by Charlie Rose.  It is a good interview, made better by the fact that one of our clients, the Pickens Plan, is mentioned as an example of how custom social networks can be used in the public affairs / political space.  🙂...

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