Author Archive is Great

I’ve been doing web work for over ten years, so I’m sort of jaded about new websites and online initiatives.  I’m not easily impressed.  It gives me great joy when I run into something truly new and novel, as I did last night.

I happened on the website,...

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The Twitter+Facebook Traffic Referral Explosion

I wrote a post a few weeks back that looked at how Facebook and Twitter compare as traffic drivers.  What I didn’t mention in my post is that over the course of the last six to twelve months the amount of traffic driven by both sites has grown exponentially. 

Last week at the 140 Conference,...

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/Democrats vs. /Republicans

Like many, I logged on to Facebook at midnight Friday night/Saturday morning to grab my chosen Facebook URL and to reserve some vanity URLs for clients as a way of protecting their brands.  I wasn’t alone – within 24 hours of the launch more than 3 million vanity URLs had been claimed. ...

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Manu Ginobili vs.

I was checking out my Facebook news feed today at lunch, and noticed two very different levels of reaction to status updates from two of the pages I am fans of.  One of the pages belongs to San Antonio Spurs basketball hero Manu Ginobili and the other is for online retailer ...

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Our Experience with Basecamp

Around eight months ago we made the decision to start using Basecamp to manage nearly all our projects.  Prior to the move to Basecamp, we used a patch work of tools to manage our work.  We had an internal wiki we used for many of our task lists and project documentation. ...

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