Author Archive

Should Candidates Use Social Networks?

Kevin Anderson of the Guardian has a good post up about the McCain MySpace “hack” specifically and the use of social networks by campaigns more generally.  He sums up what I’ve been trying to get at this week with my Digg and McCain posts. 

Anderson writes about candidate presences on social networks:

It’s pretty easy to see through these cheap ploys,...

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Link Roundup 3/29/2007

(1) Redefining The IMG Tag from TechCrunch

“This morning, AdBrite launches BritePic to help people add a lot of new functionality around embedded images. Just by changing the embed code, web publishers can add a caption, watermark, zoom, share, resize and other features. And an advertisement, if they choose to.” ...

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San Antonio Express News Redesigns Print Edition to be More Like Blogs

I got an email from my friend Chuck this morning pointing me to the recent overhaul of the print edition of my hometown paper, the San Antonio Express News. 

The Express-News writes about the redesign:

It's hardly breaking news: We're all awash in a flood of information,...

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McCain’s MySpace Page Hacked

Techcrunch has the story of the hacking of John McCain's MySpace page by a designer unhappy with the way McCain's campaign used a MySpace template he designed.  Here's the scoop from Techcrunch:

Someone on Presidential hopeful John McCain’s staff is going to be in trouble today. They used a well known template to create his Myspace page....

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Political Activists and Social Networks

My post about the use of Digg by Ron Paul activists attracted a strong response from Ron Paul supporters.  In comments on Digg and to my post, many folks acknowledged that they signed up for Digg specifically to submit and digg stories about Ron Paul. 

This was already pretty obvious. ...

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