Author Archive

Is the McCain campaign listening to bloggers?

I wrote a pretty complementary post a few weeks back about a conference call the McCain campaign had with conservative bloggers. 

Two weeks later it is clear that the McCain campaign is failing at the most important part of blogger relations: listening.

Mike Turk signed up for an account on McCain's social networking tool,...

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Video should always be opt in is the main national type of news site I visit on the web.  I do so out of habit and because I really dislike the websites of alternatives like MSNBC and Fox News. 

But they are starting to lose me due to the way they are using video....

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Customer Service and Jet Blue

Blog entries about customer service seemed to be following me around yesterday so I figured I’d write a blog post about it. 

First, I read “Seven steps to remarkable customer service” over on the extraordinary blog, Joel On Software.  Joel is the head of Fog Creek Software which makes the excellent FogBugz bug tracking software. ...

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Jeff Jarvis Launches New Site on the “YouTube Campaign”

I’m not sure whether I’m the first or last to notice this, but Jeff Jarvis of Buzz Machine has launched a new blog ( dedicated to what he calls the YouTube campaign.  Prezvid has been added to my feed reader. 

To give you a taste, here is a video Jarvis put together offering John McCain some unsolicited advice on his use of video on the web. ...

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McCain’s Website

John McCain launched his new website late last week and plenty of smart folks have already weighed in, so I'll skip a full review and just link out. 

I will say that upon seeing the site my first association was with the movie Schindler's List.  Like McCain's site,...

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