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Snap WordPress Plugin

We implemented a new WordPress plugin (Snap Preview) this week that uses Snap to provide visual previews of  links on mouseover.  Nothing revolutionary going on here, but it is nice plugin candy for people into that sort of thing (me). 

Screenshot below:

Go here if you want to install....

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Link Roundup (1/26/2007)

  • Anytown, Online
    New York Times on the fascinating super-local news site, American Towns.  Here is the page for my original hometown, San Antonio.
  • ...
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The Politico: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Politico, a new weekly newspaper that will provide in-depth coverage of the political/lobbying scene, launched yesterday to modest fanfare. 

Interestingly, The Politico will take a sort of hybrid approach to distributing its content.  They don't seem to be aiming to attract a large print circulation.  They will distribute around 25,000 print copies of the weekly paper to various DC types at $3.50 a pop (I've got a copy of the first issue here). ...

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Link Roundup (1/22/2007)

Goodbye Gutenberg: Sensing the Change

  • Harvard fellow Jon Palfreman on how the Internet might help save journalism. Key quote: “Before the Web, storytelling was platform specific. Newspapers and magazines focused on text and photos, radio told stories with audio, and television dealt with moving pictures and sounds.
  • ...
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How to NOT raise money online

Over the years I’ve signed up for every online political mailing list known to man as part of my job, so it was no surprise that I got an email this morning from the Brownback campaign about his candidacy for President. But I was surprised at how poorly executed the email was....

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