
Has Foursquare Finally Hit the Big Time?

Unlocking location-based deals on everything from coffee to running shoes has been part of the social media vernacular for a number of years. After all, offering up your location data to retailers and allow companies to pitch you discounts and specials was how many companies aimed to become profitable. Yet only 4% of Americans used any sort of check-in service in 2010. ...

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Web 2.0 Year-End Recap – Part 1

2010 has been a big year for tech innovation and the social media world. Facebook hit 500 million users, and the midterm elections meant that our elected officials were tweeting en masse. This is part one of a two-part Bivings Report end-of-the-year recap of the top 10 biggest trends in web 2.0 in the last year....

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“Politics Get Social” – A Social Media Club DC Event

This past Wednesday, we attended another excellent event organized by the Social Media Club DC (SMCDC), about the state of social media use in elections. As a topic that The Bivings Report has touched upon many times in the past several months, we were excited to hear the perspectives of political operatives,...

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Get-Out-The-Visualizations! Social Media & Election Day

Besides Slurp140, here are a few of our favorite tools for following the election via social media that have recently come to our attention. Is there a website or tool you recommend?  Let us know!

 New York Times: The Election Will Be Tweeted (and Retweeted)

Although it is difficult to follow or discern the content of the incoming tweets,...

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Foursquare’s “I Voted” Badge- How Will Campaigns Use It?

While most of the news surrounding Foursquare’s announcement on Mashable that users will now get a custom badge for voting on election day, so far not much has been written about the most interesting, and potentially explosive aspect- the Foursquare election data visualization site.

Although Gowalla was first to announce an election badge and actively seek to partner with individual campaigns,...

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