Government 2.0

DC Government Apps Store

Was opened last night in time for the O’Reilly Gov 2.0 summit and expo here in DC.  The apps store has both web-based and mobile phone applications.  One that caught my eye is the Are You Safe? Washington, DC, iPhone application.  Kind of  like walking around the city with a Geiger counter for safety....

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A Partial Answer to How Stimulus Funds Were Distributed.

In yesterday’s Washington Post, there’s a good article by Alec McGillis about the power of senators from sparsely populated states.

Toward’s the end there’s this: “And then there’s the Senate’s age-old distortion of distributive politics, in which goodies are doled out on anything but a per-capita basis. California,...

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So How Did They Decide to Allocate the Recovery Funds to the States?

 This post is a bit different from the usual on The Bivings Report.  But I’m a big believer in transparency in government, and watch with interest what ProPublica, a new non-profit investigative newsroom, is up to.  It’s an important experiment in contemporary journalism.  ProPublica has been keeping tabs on the stimulus funds;...

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Gov’t 2.0 Lessons from O’Reilly Media

Tim O’Reilly, of O’Reilly Media fame, and the tech guru who came up with the term “Web 2.0,” will be on the Kojo Nnamdi Tech Tuesday show on NPR tomorrow from noon to 2pm.  Tim will be talking about his vision for Government 2.0 — a topic that’s receiving ever-increasing attention around here in DC.  ...

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