ImpactWatch Features

Our Media Monitoring and Measurement Process

One of our practice areas here at the Brick Factory is media monitoring and measurement through our product ImpactWatch, so we want to tell you a little bit about how we do things. All of our ImpactWatch work consists of two components. A service offering, comprised of the Media Analysis Team,...

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Let’s Get Real-Time. Live Twitter Streams in ImpactWatch.

Cross-posted from our Impact Watch Blog

ImpactWatch now displays a real-time feed of custom filtered tweets right on your dashboard.

Based on Slurp140 technology, the new Twitter stream updates automatically to display new tweets, a leaderboard of most frequent tweeters, and stats on your tweets over time....

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New Version of Launches


Yesterday we launched a new version of the marketing site for our monitoring platform, ImpactWatch.  The new site includes new branding and copy, a new IW Twitter feed and a redesigned blog.  I would encourage you to check out the blog if you haven’t already.  JW has a great post up that provides a bit of a behind the scenes look at our redesign process and Hannah has a good take on a recent social media study. ...

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Predicting American Idol – Part 2

For the second part of my study concerning whether tweets from Twitter could be used to predict the losing contestants of American Idol, I decided to wait until noon to make sure that there were enough new tweets to equal the amount used in the analysis last week.  Fortunately, there were more than enough fresh,...

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Using Tweets and ImpactWatch Tools to Predict American Idol

Once again, the Internet is abuzz with predictions and theories about who is going to win American Idol.  In the early days of the competition (back when Kelly Clarkson was still a nobody singing karaoke and we only hypothesized that we hated the British without actually knowing it through Simon Cowell),...

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