
A Recap of NDN’s Panel on Advancing Internet Freedom

n Tuesday July 20th 2010, NDN hosted a speaker panel titled Advancing Internet Freedom: Tackling Barriers to the Global Free Flow of Information. This event featured Daniel Calingaert and Anita Ramasastry two prominent authorities on the topic of internet censorship and the power of online freedom of speech. During their presentations, both presenters discussed topics ranging from mobile economic opportunities abroad to further US government regulation of internet content.

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PdF: Let’s Talk About Text

In the world of news, Markos Moulitsas feels that his website The Daily Kos is ancient, claiming that the website is "Eight years old, or 56 in dog years, which makes it 2,000 in internet years."

Day two of PdF brought us "Rethinking Media," where the founder and publisher highlighted the buildup to war in 2002,...

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Attack of the Obama Clones Part 2: The Screenshots

Last week I wrote a post detailing ways in which the Barack Obama website design has been appropriated by other other political candidates. The post focused on specific elements of the design and how it had influenced others.   For the sake of posterity, I also put together a Flickr set of the most blatant rip offs that I’ll update over time. ...

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Do you really digg your town?

Some people really dig their town, and Manor, TX is trying to tap into this passion through its crowdscouring site Manor Labs.  The site has many social media features from sites like Digg.  It seems fitting that its CIO Dustin Haisler, who is 23, spearheads this effort; perhaps this is what you get when you give a millennial authority. ...

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Attack of the Obama Clones

The 2008 Barack Obama web program was the most successful online campaign in history.  And its not really close.  Given its impact, it is no surprise that www.barackobama.com has quickly become the most borrowed from design in the history of politics.  If you pay attention, you’ll see echoes of it everywhere....

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