A Beginner’s Guide to On Page SEO

While no one knows for sure, most experts believe Google’s algorithm uses at least 200 unique ranking factors to determine results. For content creators that don’t live and breathe Search Engine Optimization (SEO), knowing where to start can be difficult given the complexity of search algorithms and the glut of information that is available....

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You’ve just launched your association website. Now what?

So you’ve done it. Your association has launched their brand new website and all is well with the world! Your months of hard work have paid off, which means you can finally relax…or does it?

While this may have once been considered the end of your online story,...

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How Using “The Elements of Style” Can Help Your SEO

Stylish websites show up at the top of search results.

When I say stylish, I don’t mean minimalistic websites with a black-and-white color scheme. I’m talking about websites with great, stylish writing. These sites feature a strong, unique writing voice that showcases their organization’s identity and help it stand out to readers and search engines alike....

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Surviving Mobilegeddon: What you need to know about Google’s New Algorithm

A few weeks ago, Google announced a major change to its algorithm that will favor mobile-friendly websites in search results on mobile devices. Maybe you heard the word “mobilegeddon” buzzing around?  Google says this change will make it easier to get “relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices” when searching from a smartphone or tablet....

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Using the geo.position meta tag

When we recently released an updated version of our SEO Basics white paper, we added information about the geo.position meta tag.  Using this tag allows webmasters to let the search engines know where the organization is physically located by providing longitude and latitude data. 

This is a useful tool for location sensitive organizations,...

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