Social Networks

Facebook Rumors

I got an interesting e-mail today from MediaPost's Just an Online Minute… blog.  Today, Wendy Davis reports that Facebook is working on setting up profile pages tailored to music groups, which is how MySpace gained traction, and allowing users to differentiate "friends" based upon professional and personal circumstances — a la LinkedIn —...

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Cementing On-line Relationships in the Real World

I attended a blogger lunch at The Heritage Foundation this afternoon.  While the event was about a topic not relevant to The Bivings Report, I did get something out of it for the blog.  At the meeting I overheard two people who have known each other for years on the Internet but met today for the first time in person....

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Web 2.0 Roundtable at Potomac ExecutiveBiz

This morning I attended a breakfast discussion (thanks, Kara Kelch for inviting me) put on by Potomac ExecutveBiz at the Tower Club in Vienna, VA.  About 20 persons from various organizations, consulting shops, technology firms and start-ups showed up to throw around ideas and experience regarding Web 2.0.

It was well worth the time spent (The food was way better than most places!) and great to hear from others in the field. ...

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Getting Media Attention through Social Media

Marketing and grassroots activity on social media sites like Facebook is a burgeoning field.  More and more people are recognizing the power and the variety of ways an organization can harness or benefit (or suffer, for that matter) from social media action.

The news today provides an example about why this trend is important. ...

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A Social Network for Spies?

When the CIA began advertising and recruiting via the social network facebook, I kind of laughed since someone working in the clandestine services should keep information safe and not freely divulge it.  However, the whole point of social networking sites is to share information with your "closest friends."


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