
Just How Many Chinese Bloggers Are There?

Like many others, I read this brief article on entitled, "China bloggers surpass 30 million."  The articles says there's about 34 million blog sites, but the more important number is the number of actual bloggers — more than 17 million according to the article.  That's a few folks, but not all that many if you consider that more than 105 million persons in China have access to the web —...

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Link Roundup

This is one of those weeks where I've got more material than time.  So here are some quick thoughts on some things that have been floating around my browser this week.

(1) A new startup launched this week called Grand Central.  According to Life Hacker, Grand Central "lets you consolidate all of your phone numbers into one number,...

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Top 10 “Changers” of the World of Internet and Politics

PoliticsOnline and World e-Gov Forum have announced this year's list of nominees who are competing for the title of Top Politics and Internet World Changer of 2006. I thought I'd just encourage you to cast a vote. I must admit that I don't know a lot of the nominees apart from what I've seen online,...

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Reading the Classics via Email

You might have a large collection of thick classics sitting on your bookshelf at home right now. You bought them years ago but have yet to touch them. A fine layer of dust seems to have permanently attached itself to the cover. You were waiting for that rainy Saturday where you could curl up on the sofa with Wuthering Heights or The Art of War,...

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Nintendo Wii vs. Sony Playstation 3: An Update

The future is bleak for Sony's Playstation 3.

The BBC reported last week that the European release of the Sony Playstation 3 will be delayed until March 2007.  This not only means that Sony will miss the highly profitable holiday season, but it will most definitely lose out in profits to the Nintendo Wii and XBox 360,...

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