
World Cup Fever or Cell Phone Phenomenon?

Planning on watching the World Cup games the next few weeks? If you are, you better plan on taking some serious vacation time from your day job or moving to a different time zone. For those of you who think those options might be a bit extreme, then just charge up your cell phone....

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Podcasting Made Easy

Podcasting is about creating audio or video content for an audience that wants to listen or watch when they want, where they want, and how they want.

There are now several podcasting tools designed to make podcasting hassle-free and one of the more promising sites is Evoca.

Evoca makes podcasting easier than ever by allowing users to upload an audio file of a previously recorded content or more interestingly in my opinion,...

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Podcasts: The Teachers of the Future?

An article on the BBC reported Friday that a college professor at Bradford University in the UK has replaced classroom lectures with podcasts.  Professor Bill Ashraf feels that the quality of his lectures is compromised by the large size of his classes, some of which contain as many as 250 students. ...

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Global Cyber-Campaigns: How does the US Measure up?

After finishing our 2006 study of political web campaigns, we became curious as to how American politicians’ campaign websites compared to those in other countries.  We looked at similar studies conducted in the UK, Germany, Australia, Finland, Hungary, and Sweden, and drew some conclusions:

Countries with parliamentary systems of government tend to have websites that are highly centralized. ...

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The Internet’s Role in Political Campaigns

We recently completed a study that assesses the utilization of the Internet as a tool for 2006 political campaigns. The study, a follow-up of the 2002 version, examined how 2006 senatorial candidates used the Web to publicize information about their campaign platforms, personal backgrounds, and volunteer opportunities. We looked at a number of Web campaign tools and made comparisons based on party affiliations,...

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