
Preventative Maintenance: The Key to Keeping Your Website Healthy and Safe

Life is full of things we do because we have to. Trips to the DMV.  Jury duty.  Paying taxes. Dental appointments.  Oil changes.  These things are no fun.  But as painful and tedious as these tasks are, the consequences of not doing them are far worse.  

Spending $50 and an hour of your life getting an oil change sucks.  ...

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How to Generate a Style Guide using Hologram & Gulp

Why do I need a style guide?

Let’s be honest, I code differently than you.  And you code differently than the guy sitting next to you with Cheez-it crumb fingers playing Pokemon Go when no one is looking.  So how can we (front end developers) make sure we are providing consistent high quality code across a team?  ...

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuration Management in Drupal 8

One of the best improvements in Drupal 8 is the new configuration management system. This post explains how things have changed from Drupal 7, and provides a step-by-step walk of Drupal 8 configuration management.

Configuration in Drupal 7

If you’ve spent much time site building or programming in Drupal 7,...

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Design Systems, Not Pages

For most of the web’s short lifetime, the primary way to design a website has been to create  wireframes and comps (design compositions) of a site’s key pages.  Oversimplifying a bit, designers  identify these key pages and essentially create pictures of what the pages  look like when presented on the web.  ...

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Nine Ways to Improve the Drupal Administrative Experience

In the open source world, you often hear people observe that Drupal was built for developers while WordPress was built for content managers.  This observation contains thinly veiled criticism of both platforms.  For Drupal the implication is that the platform doesn’t provide a great user experience for content managers.

The criticism sticks because it is sort of true.  ...

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