
Cloudy Day: Review of Jolicloud Alpha 2b “Robby” Release

A few days ago (on a cloudy day, when I began writing this post), I received my Jolicloud private alpha 2b developer version invite. After creating a Jolicloud account and downloading a 600MB .img file, I copied it over as a bootable USB thumb drive and was off to the races....

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Twitter Launches Twitter 101 – A Guide to Twitter for Businesses

Twitter 101 – A Guide to Twitter for Businesses

Per Techcrunch, Twitter just launched Twitter 101, which is a starters kit for businesses interested in using the service to promote their company/products.  Check out the guide here....

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Vietnam an Emerging Market for Click Fraud

Click fraud, an internet crime perpetrated by people, automated systems and programs clicking on links and ads to increase investor appeal and ad revenue, continues to be complicated to police, and a report released Thursday by Anchor Intelligence shows Vietnam as a hotbed for online scammer activity.

“Nearly half of all the advertising clicks coming from Vietnam are composed of fraudulent traffic aimed at inflating online publishers’...

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USA Today vs. Washington Post vs. New York Times

Like many others, I occasionally use Compete and Alexa data to compare traffic of websites whose logs I don’t have access to.  I know these services are imperfect, but a comparison I ran today of vs. vs. shows just how anecdotal the data from these services is....

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NPR to Launch Redesigned Site on Monday

NPR will be launching a redesigned website on Monday, and they are providing a sneak preview of the homepage of the new site via a YouTube video. While the video only provides a brief glimpse of the new site, what is shown looks quite impressive. I look forward to taking a look on Monday....

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