
Is “is” no longer mandatory for Facebook?

Is it just me or has Facebook just dropped "is" from its standard status update formula? 

Until today a user was forced to mold their status updates to follow the format "Steve is [custom text]."  Of course, some people's updates didn't make sense with the "is" — whether this was intentional or just from the common lack of concern for grammar on the Internet. ...

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Google News Tweaks Algo

Loren Baker of the Search Engine Journal reports that Google News has tweaked it algorithm (hat tip: MediaPost).  The search engine hopes to its users more relevant results about breaking news stories.

One of the tweaks aims to better identify the news source that was first in reporting information about a story. ...

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New York Times Traffic Surges

Mathew Ingram yesterday proclaimed that "free is better" when it comes to news sites, and he offered new evidence to support this assertion.

He pointed to web traffic data of the New York Time's website that TechCrunch analyzed.  According to comScore data, traffic to the paper's site has surged since it ended its Times Select subscription pay wall back in September. ...

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Friday Five: Some Recently Redesigned News Sites

It seems like at least a few major news sites have launched redesigns over the last several weeks.  Here are five that I've noticed:

1. Newsweek magazine

I like how the sister sites for Newsweek and MSNBC are now much different from each. 

Check out the nifty multimedia page header that can collapse or expand on each page on Newsweek's site....

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Send a free eTree!

Last week I wrote a quick list about 5 ways you can give tech-inspired philanthropic gifts this holiday season. One I mentioned was sending eTrees through Mokugift. Normally, you can buy or send someone else an eTree for $1, and Mokugift plants a tree in the real world.

Hans from Mokugift saw my post,...

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