
Measuring Blog Relationships

Beyond measuring Dell Hells, it is helpful for those who track blogs to measure relationships between them.

When dealing with a small set of blogs, it is easy to determine if and then how they're related.  However, with millions of blogs no person or organization has the resources to accurately track all of them. ...

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Republican Primary Results by Web Traffic

Compete has a novel post up that analyzes how the Republican primary would play out based on web traffic in each state. This chart summarizes the results based on traffic the first half of the year:

Completely anecdotal, but interesting nonetheless....

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Measuring Dell Hells

ImpactWatch is one of our main products. It is a PR measurement tool that our clients use for mainstream media coverage, but blogosphere measurement is harder to assess since readership and authority aren’t easily quantifiable.

Companies simply lack the resources to closely monitor all that is said about them,...

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Companies Abandoning Second Life

The LA Times had a story last week about companies abandoning their presences on Second Life due to poor return on investment. From the sound of things, many companies that have stayed may not be long for the world:

But the sites of many of the companies remaining in Second Life are empty....

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Alive in Baghdad: Normal Iraqis Report

I came across an interesting vlog this afternoon — Alive in Baghdad.

Through this site a team of Americans and Iraqis post a weekly video entry about life in Iraq from the perspective of a normal citizen.  In one video a man describes how he was tortured while another presents challenges at a girls school in Baghdad....

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