
Facebook Applications: the Future of Fundraising? Probably not.

When Facebook Platform launched at the end of May , the move was met with surprise and delight from online marketers and software developers who have been hoping for a way to access the social network's huge audience of college-aged users.  The Platform allows software developers to design custom applications people can install for their profiles. ...

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Do you have a crush on Obama?

ObamaGirl supposedly has a crush on — wait for it — Barack Obama, and she has created a music video professing her love for him with lyrics like, "You're into border security…let's break this border between you and me…Universal health care reform…it makes me warm" (Hat tip: TechPresident).

I'm sure that Obama is blushing since ObamaGirl is hot and as part of the Barely Political website,...

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Is The Politico Throwing Spaghetti on the Wall?

When it comes to digital strategy, it seems like The Politico is and will throw spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks.

I attended an event yesterday evening hosted by the public-private business organization Rosslyn Renaissance with The Politico's executive editor Jim VandeHei and chief political correspondent Mike Allen (hat tip: FishbowlDC). ...

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New Media: “The Decline of News” or “Revival of Journalism”?

Mark Glaser over at PBS Mediashift has pointed out a couple of interesting articles from the San Francisco Chronicle.  Published just a week apart, these articles take opposing sides in the controversy over the value of new media and its affect on newspapers and traditional outlets.  Neil Henry 's article,...

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Flashback: Blogger – a job not thought of

When I was in high school during the late 90s, educators and other experts told me that I would probably have a job that no one had even thought of back then (forget positions like accountant, pilot, programmer, etc.) since the Internet and computer technology were accelerating at such a brisk pace during the Dot-com Boom. ...

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