
Newspaper Website Research: The Next Generation

A lot has changed in the newspaper industry since we published our study of newspaper websites last summer.  In order to get a better picture of the changing landscape in the world of online news, we are going to publish a sequel to last year's study.  In our preparation for the research,...

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How to Run an Online Community

Corporations, media organizations and even political campaigns are launching online communities left and right seeminly. Many of them are doing so without having any real knowledge of what makes a good online community go or how to manage the community if it flourishes.

Matthew Haughey from the massively successful community site Metafilter has a good post up providing some tips....

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TBG at Personal Democracy Forum

A number of us will be headed up to NYC later today to attend the Personal Democracy Forum conference tomorrow. I will be participating in the conference’s Idea Market, where I will be discussing “Best Practices in Blogger Relations.” We’ll also be co-sponsoring a post-conference happy hour from 8:00-10:00 tomorrow night with the David All Group,...

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Keywords Go First in Headlines, SEOs say

It is mini search engine optimization (SEO) for journalists lesson time!

News outlets want healthy traffic levels on their websites so that they can charge more for advertising.  In fact, The New York Observer's Michael Calderone quotes a former staffer as saying that their former workplace is "a page-view sweatshop "...

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Link Roundup (5/15/2007)

Prince William: Facebook Fugitive

Prince William starts a Facebook profile.  Hilarity ensues.


Sort of a Digg for multiple choice questions.  Sample: What is the best open source project?


Guy Kawasaki’s new rumor reporting site launches.  Apparently the whole thing was built using WordPress. ...

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