Following in the footsteps of the likes of Bono and as part of her "conversational" Presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton posted a question to Yahoo! Answers two days ago. I'm not a big fan of Yahoo! Answers, but this seems like a pretty good idea.
Here's her question: "Based on your own family's experience,...
Continue ReadingWe implemented a new WordPress plugin (Snap Preview) this week that uses Snap to provide visual previews of links on mouseover. Nothing revolutionary going on here, but it is nice plugin candy for people into that sort of thing (me).
Screenshot below:
Go here if you want to install....
Continue ReadingWe are seeing a definite emphasis on words like "conversation" and "interaction" in the 2008 presidential campaign sites so far. While the 2006 Senate cycle saw a persistence of the top-down form of US politics, it seems that 2008 might be the year of politics "2.0". It's obvious that the Internet is affecting politics in the US,...
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