
Want to be President? Step 1: Buy a Video Camera

Democrat John Edwards has gotten a lot of attention in the blogosphere for announcing his candidacy for President on YouTube. A little more quietly, another candidate, Democrat Tom Vilsack, has launched a video blog over on (via WP Post IT blog).

Here’s one of his recent posts where he talks about “the power of the Internet to enable conversation between voters and candidates.”...

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One Laptop Per Child

While I was aware of the One Laptop Per Child Project – the goal of which is to develop a lost-cost, “$100,” laptop that can be given to children in developing countries for educational purposes – I had not seen much about its progress recently until I read an article on this morning entitled,...

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John Edwards Woos Robert Scoble

Ever since his appearance before hard core geek bloggers and techies at Gnomedex in July, there has been a certain enthusiasm about John Edwards’ Presidential candidacy in the tech blogosphere. Why? I think a big reason is that he is wooing a contingency that isn’t used to being wooed by politicians....

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Kids vs. Sen. Stevens: A Web-Savvy Showdown or a No-Brainer?

According to the average American, this one’s a no-brainer. In a poll of 1,203 American adults, Zogby International and 463 Communications reported that 83% of those surveyed believe that a typical 12-year old knows more about Internet than members of Congress.

Do I even need to remind anyone that The Internet is a Series of Tubes??...

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Problogger Group Writing Project Roundup

The Problogger Group Writing Project wrapped up last Friday and somehow I managed to win a Nintendo Wii for participating with my Top 8 YouTube Videos of 2006 post.  The prize was kindly donated by 451 Press. 

As a wrap up, here are some cool posts submitted by other contestants:

  • Top 10 “Crzy” Tech Gifts by Nic
  • The Year in Review: The Best Websites You’ve Never Visited (and some you have) by Erin
  • What Google,
  • ...
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