We found another study of international newspapers this morning, this time from New Zealand. Web designer and journalist Fraser Mills saw our study of US papers as well as the Italian study and UK study, and decided to do some research of his own. Here is his chart summarizing his results:
Fraser's results help to reiterate our theory that the US is leading the pack in terms of Web use by newspapers....
Continue ReadingWe received some more help this morning in our newspaper research. This time, it came from the UK, where BBC English Regions Community Producer Robin Hamman put together some research looking at the UK's top 11 newspapers. Here is a chart summarizing his findings (click on the graph for a larger view):
Continue ReadingAfter we published our study of America's newspapers last week, it was picked up by many international blogs, and compared to newspapers in several countries, including Brazil, Denmark, and Italy.
We found the following Italian blog post, which reports the findings of a new study that examined the top 50 Italian newspapers,...
Continue ReadingIf you post an online poll on a political topic there is a 99% chance that someone will try manipulate the results. In 2004, literally minutes after each Presidential debate ended, liberal and conservative bloggers posted links to the inevitable "Who Won the Debate" polls that ran on sites like CNN,...
Continue ReadingIn my last post I took a look at which Senate campaign blogs were linked to the most often by bloggers. Following are the top 5 in terms of links:
Pete Ashdown (D-UT)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Jack Carter (D-NV)
Rick Santorum (R-PA)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
After you've given them a look,...
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