
Apple: iTuning it to the Bank

The following Yahoo stock graph speaks for itself. Over the last two years Apple’s stock has soared, increasing by nearly 400%. Microsoft’s has barely budged. One’s a growth stock, the other a value stock — like a utility, I’m told. With Microsoft’s market capitilization ($286 billion) being about five times that of Apple’s,...

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Newspapers: Future Exchanges? Not.

This morning on public radio WAMU’s (88.5 FM) Marketplace Morning Report, Andreas Kluth, a commentator from The Economist, argued that ‘old media’ needs to become more like an exchange — much like Yahoo and Google, where content, in whatever form, is bought, sold, and bartered. Gave the impression that ‘old media,’...

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User Interfaces: East Coast vs. West Coast

I recently had an insight about the interfaces of two extremely popular social networking websites: MySpace and Facebook. These sites allow you to create a page on their network where you can post a photo and profile of yourself, allowing your friends to contact you online. However, these two specific sites take very different approaches....

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Meme Tracking Hits the Sports Market

A few weeks ago Sports Illustrated published an expansive feature article (subscription required) about how citizen sportswriters are changing sports journalistm. Obsessive and often posting about events in real time, these sports bloggers are spreading rumors, arguing and just generally feeding their sports addictions 365/24/7. Sometimes they even break stories....

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Top 10 Ways Trade Associations Can Employ New Media Techniques

As a whole, Washington-based trade associations aren’t known for their innovative Internet strategies. The big secret about trade associations is that they have a lot to offer the Internet community – most have great stockpiles of content and staffers who are genuine experts in their fields. And a big part of a trade association’s mission is to serve as an information resource on their industry....

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