
Complete Brick Factory Card Set

This Summer we’ve been posting mock baseball cards of our employees on our Facebook page.  We’ve done this partly as a way to introduce our awesome staff to folks, and partly to amuse ourselves.  You can check out the complete set below.  Enjoy, and follow us on Facebook for more weird stuff like this....

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Navigating Social Advertising

12 years ago, Friendster debuted.
Since then, the number of social networks has exploded.
And in the past few years, so too have the opportunities for social advertising: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+.

It can be a little overwhelming.

Americans spend 37 minutes each day on social media,...

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How to keep your website review process from going off the rails

A few weeks ago I wrote a somewhat frivolous post that used 11 animated gifs to explain what it is like to build a website for a client.  I wanted to loop back and write a bit more substantively about the review phase of a project (represented in gif 9),...

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The Web Development Process Explained in 11 Animated Gifs

Building websites is hard work. And a lot of it isn’t that much fun.

To help explain the process, we’ve put together this tongue and cheek post that explains how we typically feel during the various stages of a web development process.  Since we build sites for clients,...

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6 things you probably didn’t know about the Brick Factory

We’ve had a good first half of 2014. We sent an update on what we’ve been up so far this year to to our email list, and wanted to share it here on our blog as well.  Enjoy.


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