
10 popular websites that look awful in Internet Explorer 7

If you ask a web developer what they think of Internet Explorer they will probably tell you how awful it is in very colorful language.  If you ask them specifically about Internet Explorer 7 they will either burst into tears or punch you in the face.  You see, over the last four years that web developer is likely to have wasted hundreds of hours implementing hacks to make theirs sites work in IE7,...

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10 Best Sports Teams Websites

It’s no secret that sports are all about competition. Teams train day and night just to gain a competitive edge. In recent decades, the competitive nature of sports has transitioned to the Internet, giving more access to the most important team player, the fan.

Now with the Internet,...

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1,000 programmers can’t fix in a month

Like many folks in the DC web development community, I’ve been reading with interest the horror stories about the launch of  Just yesterday new revelations came out that showed just how complicated the site truly is and just how deep the problems are. 

As a web developer,...

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5 Must-Know Google Analytics Tips

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows organizations to measure the performance of their websites and gauge the effectiveness of their digital campaigns. While the basic Google Analytics capabilities of tracking visitors and pageviews are generally understood, there are other more advanced techniques worth implementing that allow for webmasters to better understand their audience and evaluate how effective a digital strategy is at reaching them....

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Motorcycle Photos and the Art of Branding

We are in the process of redesigning our Brick Factory website.  It has been slow going.  Client work competes for resources and we tend to over think everything when doing work for ourselves.  But we are getting there, and expect to launch our new site before the end of the year....

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