
5 Digital Super Bowl Campaigns to Watch

Last year, 111 million people watched the Super Bowl in the United States alone.  Research estimates that  “about 60% of people watching the game plan to have a second screen running — whether it’s a laptop, tablet or a smartphone.”  Undoubtedly, a lot of people will be using those second screens to chat about the game on various social media platforms,...

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Barack Obama and Responsive Design

There is little doubt that the 2008 Obama campaign was the most sophisticated digital operation in the history of politics.  It is not really close.

Given how high the bar has been set, there was a lot of hype surrounding the November release of the 2012 version ...

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Just Say No to Splash Pages on

As most of you know, splash pages are those annoying introductory pages that ask you for your email address before letting you access the actual website you are trying to visit.  Having worked in digital for ten years, I can make two definitive statements about splash pages:

  1. They work. 
  2. ...
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Happy Birthday, Drupal

On January 15, 2001, University of Antwerp student Dries Buytaert released the first version of Drupal to the open source community.  Dries had originally developed Drupal as a news site and message board that University of Antwerp students could use for discussion and content sharing.  Drupal has grown into the most popular open source Content Management System on the market,...

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Our New Year’s Resolutions

Many people use the start of the new year as an opportunity to reflect  and recalibrate.  We are going through this process ourselves at the Brick Factory.

As a way of holding ourselves accountable and providing a peek as to where we think digital is going,...

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