
Will Twitter Kill @ThBlackSquirrel Or How Not to Blog

Mixed up in today’s extremely active Twitter stream,  you may have noticed  one topic that seemed out of place, namely that Trendsmap or @TrendsDC was showing a fairly popular dive bar called The Black Squirrel was suddenly a trending topic. Looking into the issue further,  I found that the traffic was being generated after someone discovered the following post on the restaurant’s blog: “Spare Us Your Cheap Laughs"...

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Facebook is NOT big in Japan

In the U.S. 60% of Internet users have Facebook accounts.  In Japan, only 2% of Internet users have Facebook accounts and services like Mixi, Gree and Mobage-town are 10 times as big.  According to a recent New York Times article, one of the primary reasons Facebook has failed to catch on in Japan is its insistence that people use real names when signing up for accounts. ...

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Web 2.0 Year-End Recap- Part 2

6. Google / Bing Searches vs. Facebook Recommendations

As evidenced by the posting on Business Insider, “8 Charts That Show Why Facebook is worth $50 Billion,” rather than turning to a search engine, many of Facebook’s 500 million plus users are now visiting 3rd party sites based on the recommendation of friends and organizations they ‘like.’ ...

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The Difference Between Good Customer Service and Good Public Relations

Like everyone else, I’ve had my share of customer service frustrations  with those large, sprawling corporations we all inevitably interact with.  The kind where you feel  stuck in some sort of bureaucratic purgatory, and where you end up irrationally angry at some poor customer service representative that is completely powerless to help you. ...

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Web 2.0 Year-End Recap – Part 1

2010 has been a big year for tech innovation and the social media world. Facebook hit 500 million users, and the midterm elections meant that our elected officials were tweeting en masse. This is part one of a two-part Bivings Report end-of-the-year recap of the top 10 biggest trends in web 2.0 in the last year....

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