TAGS : responsive design

Design Systems, Not Pages

For most of the web’s short lifetime, the primary way to design a website has been to create  wireframes and comps (design compositions) of a site’s key pages.  Oversimplifying a bit, designers  identify these key pages and essentially create pictures of what the pages  look like when presented on the web.  ...

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5 Drupal Websites That Will Elicit Envy

What makes a great website? Is it the copy writing? The layout? The interactive features? The copious amounts of cute animal pictures? Maybe it’s all of the above. And more.

No matter what it is that makes your website great, you can do it in Drupal.

Drupal is a popular open source content management system (CMS) much like WordPress....

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Struggling with donations? 7 secrets to nonprofit marketing

The biggest misconception about nonprofit marketing is that you need money to make an impact. False. In fact, studies show that today’s Americans are more inclined than ever to look for ways to give. In 2014, the number of online donors increased by 15 percent.

Although Americans like to engage with social-conscious brands and seem to be giving more than ever,...

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