Even with the war rapidly moving towards conclusion (militarily), people from around the world are still debating many aspects of the conflict. One increasingly popular way for people to air their thoughts on the war is blogging. These online journals are being used to disseminate news, insight and personal perspectives on many issues surrounding the war. Blogs also allow readers to send comments about their postings, often leading to intense debates. Among those who have employed blogs to discuss the war are soldiers, reporters and citizens from around the globe.


Members of the Armed Forces stationed in Iraq and neighboring countries have used blogs to relate new information about the war as well as their impressions about what is going on. Most blogs, like Lt-Smash.us, combine journal-style writing about daily life with reprints of news stories and any new information that the soldiers have gleaned.

Many bloggers in the service also add humorous or entertaining posts to lighten the mood of their blogs. Naval Lt. Commander Kevin Mickey at Camp Patriot, Kuwait tells of plastic pink flamingos with miniature gas mask bags placed outside of the command tent. His blog, also provides links to sites such as The Onion and Fark.

With limited and sometimes unpredictable access to technology, many servicemen and women are relying on family and friends to post their thoughts and news. At SgtStryker.com, the mother of a female Marine posts news and information provided by her daughter via e-mail.


Reporters in Iraq and neighboring countries have also employed blogs to relate developments in the war. Many reporters are doing so independently, such as Christopher Allbritton, former AP and New York Daily News reporter, but some are posting to their publication’s site.

While some news sources have restricted or suspended the blogs of its correspondents, other outlets have encouraged reporter blogging. CNN’s Kevin Sites was asked to suspend a blog of his personal experiences in Iraq. BBC on the other hand, not only encourages blogging, it has set up a blog on its site where correspondents can post information.

Many reporters have had to use their satellite phone connections in order to speak their posts, as Internet connections are often unavailable. Despite the limited technology and unpredictable connections, many reporters have been able to provide audiences around the world with first-hand video and audio and up-to-the-minute information on the progress of the war.

Citizens Around the World

Most civilian blogs repost news stories from major media outlets and include their perspectives on current developments. Many people are using blogs as a way to express their opinions about the war and other political issues. Even unrelated blogs, such as Diamondblog, a blog about diamonds and weddings, have begun posting war news.

Blogs are also a way for people to discuss current affairs and even to promote each other’s ‘work.’ Many war blogs provide links to hundreds of their fellow bloggers’ sites. Bloggers have also collaborated on sites such as Warblogs:cc; a site designed to “provide you with a birds-eye view of Gulf War Redux, the American government and civil liberties issues in the United States.” While there are thousands of sites by Europeans, Asians and Americans wishing to express their views on the war, the few blogs maintained by Iraqi citizens in Iraq are gaining the most attention.

Initially, one of the most popular war-related blogs was Where is Raed?, although the site has been silent since March 24th. The blog was purportedly maintained by an Iraqi man living in Baghdad and has become extremely popular since the conflict began. Under the pseudonym of ‘Salam Pax,’ the 29-year old architect responsible for the blog provided readers around the world with the perspective of an Iraqi civilian. Pax gave details not only about the progression of the war, but also about how the war was affecting average citizens. His recent silence has left people around the world wondering what happened to him.