What is a web comic? Its like a regular comic, except it’s hosted online and generally does not follow a strict release schedule. They also differ in that they tend to be larger than regular comics taking up 3, 6, or 9 comic panels. The art is usually hand drawn and scanned, or made using clip art (more on this later).

The most common type of web comic would be the comic strip designed to draw laughs. One of my favorites for its very biting jokes is Perry Bible Fellowship, although some might find these a bit too biting – one of the things that makes the medium popular is its ability to cross boundaries of political correctness most printed comics would not be able to do.

Many blogs host political web comics. They generally appear on partisan blogs, or on candidate’s websites. Some of them espouse a conservative view such as Cox and Forkum or a liberal one such as This Modern World.

There is a new kind of DIY clipart style comic that is growing in popularity because it allows people to comment creatively without being an artist. Get Your War On is an example of one. Here the comic writer uses tools that make it is easy to make one’s own web comics. You can make your own web comics too: using this great “Comic Strip Generator” all you have to do is be creative!comic.jpg