Reuters now has a virtual news bureau over in Second Life. Tech reporter Adam Pasick (whose byline is his SL name 'Adam Reuters') is now wiring in stories about the goings-on in Second Life. Pasick kicked off his new appointment by sending in a smashing story about how the SL's massive virtual economy there is giving some policymakers something to think about.

Media presence in Second Life is growing. In late September, CNET Networks launched a virtual doppelganger of its real-life office building on a coast overlooking the sea. Wired Magazine also built its own presence to accompany a set of stories published about Second Life. 

With all this media interest in Second Life, Mr. Pasick-Reuters should be aware that with tech PR giant Text 100 on the loose in SL, and other PR agencies taking note,  his virtual phone may just start ringing off its virtual hook. (He may just prefer to hide.)