Mike Shields of MediaWeek reports that CondéNet, the Internet arm of magazine publisher CondéNast, has aggressively used Facebook applications.

The article mentions that in June the company acquired the "What Are You Wearing?" application, which CondéNet executives claim that about 1,000 users are joining each day the over 90,000 others who are revealing their wardrobe on Facebook. 

Further, a few weeks ago, the more festive "What Are You Wearing for Halloween?" application was also launched and currently has about 4,000 users.

While CondéNet hasn't branded either application, it started to display ads from Guess in its application.  That's the great thing about widgets and other applications, companies who develop them can also use them for ad space as well.

One of the most interesting tidbits from this article to me was when CondéNet president Sarah Chubb mentioned that the "What Are You Wearing?" application has been the most viral and fastest growing widget or application that the company has developed over the years. 

I guess deploying an application on a site where people already divulge information helps give these two applications gusto.